We aim to have two short holidays a year, one by coach in the UK and one abroad.
In the UK we have visited amongst other places Durham, Liverpool, Cardif, Cornwall, and North Yorkshsire, where we have explored not just the town but the surrounding area also. Some of the places we have enjoyed visiting overseas have been Vicenza, Bologna, Madrid, Andalucia, Amsterdam, Vienna, Lisbon and the Baltic States.
Holiday to Tuscany, May 2024
We visited Tuscany from 7 – 12 May 2024, staying in Montecatini and visiting Florence (twice), Pisa, Lucca, Siena and San Gimignano. We arrived in monsoon – like weather, but after that day the weather was beautiful, with wall to wall sunshine, and we saw the wonderful region of Tuscany at its very best.
The holiday was organised by Angela Tervet, who has organised all our holidays for the last 10 years. Angela is now standing down from the role, and we would welcome a volunteer to replace her.